How to Recover Deleted Text Messages from an Android SIM Card
Even though it has become almost impossible to lose any data from an Android smartphone, thanks to the platform’s cloud storage capabilities, it seems that retrieving deleted messages is still a challenge for Android users.
Users who prefer to save their SMS messages or contacts on their SIM card often find out that they have deleted them by mistake. Luckily, there are ways to recover these messages even if they were deleted.
The method implies the use of a SIM card reader, along with appropriate software. However, before trying to recover any lost data, it is important to know that deleted texts can only be recovered if the slots on the SIM card where the messages were saved have not been overwritten in the meantime.
Currently, there’s no known method to retrieve deleted messages that have been overwritten.
After acquiring the necessary SIM card reader, which should not cost more than $10, you will need a special software that will allow you to retrieve deleted data from the SIM card.
There are lots of solutions that provide users with this option, but one of the best is Data Doctor Recovery – SIM Card. A free trial version of the application can be downloaded from.
Make sure the SIM card is readable by the card reader, by connecting the card reader to the PC. Install one of the software applications that you think is best and wait until the SIM card is recognized.
Depending on what software you have installed, you will have the option to retrieve any deleted messages, contacts or even call logs. However, if you are using a trial version of the software you might not have the option to save any data.
Fortunately, most of the data found on an Android device is synchronized with a wide range of Google services, so there’s no need for a third party application to retrieve any of the data stored through any of these Internet cloud services.
For the moment, Android platform does not synchronize with anything natively, but users can choose to make backups from time to time.
Link Download Here : Data Doctor Recovery – SIM Card
Wah om alwi sekarang hpnya Android.. Mupeng:mode on
dHaNy Reply:23-01-2011 at 20:38
Wahh pertamaxx nih…
Apakabar om Alwi? lama tak bersua..
keduanya saja…
i got little undestand….
klo aplikasi recovery bwt folder message prnh tau nggk?hp nokia..
mhn bntuan informasinya..^^
terimakasih atas informasi nya ,
oh, pake SIM Cardreader y?
thanx atas info nya…
Your article has proven useful to me. It’s very informative and you are obviously very knowledgeable in this area. You have opened my eyes to varying views on this topic with interesting and solid content.
okelha kalo begitu..
bissa diterjemahin gak mas
terimakasih atas infonya
sangat menarik tuh gan