Update WordPress 3.1
On February 23, 2011, WordPress Version 3.1 “Reinhardt”, named in honor of the jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt, was released to the public. For more information on this enhancement and bug release, read the WordPress Blog, and see the Changelog for 3.1.
Version 3.1 is available for download, or you can update from within your dashboard. For Version 3.1, the database version (db_version in wp_options) changed to 17056, and the Trac revision was 17485.
This release features a lightning fast redesigned linking workflow which makes it easy to link to your existing posts and pages, an admin bar so you’re never more than a click away from your most-used dashboard pages, a streamlined writing interface that hides many of the seldom-used panels by default to create a simpler and less intimidating writing experience for new bloggers (visit Screen Options in the top right to get old panels back), and a refreshed blue admin scheme available for selection under your personal options.
There’s a bucket of candy for developers as well, including our new Post Formats support which makes it easy for themes to create portable tumblelogs with different styling for different types of posts, new CMS capabilities like archive pages for custom content types, a new Network Admin, an overhaul of the import and export system, and the ability to perform advanced taxonomy and custom fields queries.
With the 3.1 release, WordPress is more of a CMS than ever before. The only limit to what you can build is your imagination.
saya jg langsung update kang.. sperti kata mas jhezer, saya jg bentrok cm di db cache… gak pake w3 karena dl pernah malah blog jadi error.. mgkn karena salah setting :D
maknyuss lah yg wp 3.1
kita update lagi kang
nunggu dulu aja deh, sampe 3.2.. cape update terus… he..he..