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Read More Feature On Blogger

12 Sep. 200936 comments
Read More Feature On Blogger

Read More

Read More

It’s time to announce another Blogger Birthday feature! Many users have been asking for an easy way to implement “Read more” links on their blog’s index page. In fact, for years bloggers have been implementing “Read more” jump breaks themselves by manually editing their HTML — a process that was complicated and error prone.

Today we are excited to announce our latest birthday present: Jump Breaks.

With Jump Breaks you can show just a snippet of your post on your blog’s index page. Blogger will insert a “Read more” link to the full post page where your readers can keep reading.

There are a couple of ways to insert a “Read more” jump to your posts. If you use the new post editor (available on Blogger in Draft, or by enabling it via the Settings tab), you’ll notice the “Insert jump break” icon in the editor’s toolbar. Click this icon and the “jump break” will be inserted into your blog post at your cursor’s position.

If you don’t use the new post editor, you can still insert a jump break in Edit HTML mode by adding <!– more –> where you want to position the jump break.

Want to change the “Read more” text to something more your style? No problem. You can edit the “Read more” text by clicking Layout and then Edit the Blog Posts widget.

One more note, the Jump Break feature does not change how your post appears in your feed. You can configure post feed options by going to Settings | Basic | Site Feed, and editing Allow Blog Feeds.

: Users that have customized their Blog Posts widget or otherwise have highly customized templates: You may need to edit your HTML to enable Jump Breaks. First, back up your template, then follow the instructions at the bottom of this help article.

Happy Birthday from Blogger!
Mudah-mudahan artikel tentang Read More Feature On Blogger ini bisa bermanfaat untuk anda, terima kasih.

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  1. 7-6-2010 at 11:51 | #1

    klo di wp pakai apa ya


    Brian Reply:

    kan ada yang komentar di atas sama


    Brian Reply:

    ada gambar yang kayak jebakan binatang itu


    Brian Reply:

    tinggal tempatkan kursor dan klik yang itu


    Brian Reply:

    dan jadilah readmore


    Brian Reply:

    160 komentar lagi nih masih jauh


    Brian Reply:

    semangat deh terus ngejar


    Brian Reply:

    mumpung semuanya masih duduk dengan antem


    Brian Reply:

    nggak bergerak smaa sekali


    Brian Reply:

    maka sekarang aku datang lagi


    Brian Reply:

    komentar sebisanya mudah-mudahan malam ini muncul


    Brian Reply:

    kalau pak hendri datang


    Brian Reply:

    kepalan tanggung ngejar mas faizal sekalian


  2. 7-4-2011 at 16:35 | #2

    kasi yg bahasa indo donk bang


  3. 8-10-2011 at 19:47 | #3

    biasanya template baru sudah tersedia, so tinggal ganti nama a aja


  4. 24-10-2012 at 04:30 | #4

    Jika menggunakan gambar pada postinga bisa gak diatur pak??



  5. 11-6-2013 at 10:57 | #5

    belajar gan ane terimakasih buat infonya


  6. 29-7-2013 at 21:09 | #6

    klo misalnya related post gmn mas?


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