Nokia Security Code/Unlocker/Memory Card/Antivirus
Nokia Security Code ,Unlocker, Memory Card, Antivirus etc.
S40 2355, 2600, 2610, 2626, 2630, 2650, 2651, 2660, 2760, 2855, 3100, 3105, 3108, 3109, 3110, 3120, 3125, 3152, 3155, 3155i, 3200, 3205, 3220, 3300, 3510i, 3520, 3530, 3560, 3585i, 3586, 3586i, 3587, 3587i, 3595, 5070, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 5200, 5300, 6010, 6012, 6015, 6015i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6070, 6080, 6085, 6086, 6100, 6101, 6102, 6103, 6108, 6111, 6125, 6126, 6131, 6131nfc, 6133, 6136, 6151, 6152, 6155, 6155i, 6165, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6230i, 6233, 6234, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6265, 6265i, 6270, 6275, 6275i, 6280, 6282, 6288, 6300, 6560, 6585, 6610, 6610i, 6650, 6651, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250i, 7260, 7270, 7280, 7360, 7370, 7373, 7390, 7600, 8800, 8801, 8910i S60 3230, 3250, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5500, 5700, 6110, 6120, 6260, 6290, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, 7650, E50, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N70, N71, N72, N73, N75, N76, N77, N80, N90, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95, S80 9210,9210i,9300,9500
All who have little place on phone memory so they cant recive big files and cant change storage location in options DO EXACTLY THIS:
- Unrar and install MsvDriveE.sis to your phone.
- It will change your SMS folder to MMC. If not, restart phone.
- Use a file manager and copy ‘C:\System\Mail’ folder onto MMC (somewhere, NOT E:\System\Mail !)
- Turn off phone and remove MMC. Power on phone without MMC. Open ‘Messages’ once, it will turn SMS setting back on phone. Then turn off phone again.
- Reinsert MMC, power on phone. Use a file manager, go to E:\System. Delete the ‘Mail’ folder. Move the copied ‘Mail’ (the other real one which we wanted to use) into E:\System. Hopefully you will suceed, as long as the phone has just restarted and you havent’ opened ‘messages’ application or send/receive any messages.
- Use filemanager, go to C:\System\Apps\MsvDriveE and click on It will reconfigure to use MMC for messages again.
http://*********/qtk4ur pass: newknaber
Installer: pass: theologaster
Virus Definition Update: January 12, 2008
This is the latest update for the virus definition of kaspersky… Just copy and paste, overwrite b.dat in the directory C:\System\Apps\KSMobile using a file explorer, then it would be updated.
How to Unlock Password-protected Memory Card?
For S60 1st and 2nd Phones
What should we do if we forget the password? For S60 1st and some of 2nd phones, such as Nokia 3650, Nokia 6600 and Nokia N-Gage, the password is stored in a plain text file.
Firstly, you need to install FExplorer, a free file manager that allows us to browser through S60 file system. pass: theologaster
Next, launch FExplorer and then browser to c:\system folder. There is a file, called mmcstore.
Rename the file to mmcstore.txt and then open it. Your password must be several characters at the end of the file.
For S60 3rd Phones, Nokia N-Series and Nokia E-Series
Unfortunately, there is no way to recover the password in the latest S60 phones. The only way that I know so far is by reformatting the memory card. It can be done from Memory Card application by selecting Options | Format memory card menu. Of course, you will lose all your data in the memory card…
If any of you have experience unlocking password of memory card in latest S60 phones, feel free to share it here.
Compatible devices: S60 1st, 2nd, 3rd Edition, Nokia Nseries, Nokia Eseries.
Memory Card Formatter
MMCMedic & MMCTool pass: theologaster
BB5 Lock Code Remover (Symbian only not s40)
- extract and copy system.rar to your memory card
- put sim card and MMC….power on and wait 2 minutes
- turn of the phone…..take out the MMC
- power on the phone w/ simcard inside
- done……..lock code has been removed!……… pass: theologaster
Unlock Security Code using Memory Card
Steps to unlock ur sec code.
- Off Ur mobile.
- remove battry
- remove memory card
- On ur computer and plug in ur memory card.
- insert ur memory card.
- unzip the attachment file and place it to ur memory card e:\system\recog
- now insert ur memory card into ur mobile and switch on the fone.
- now if it ask for code type 12345 and ur mobile unlocks.
- Every times u restart ur mobile it will unlock ur mobiles security code. pass: theologaster
Reset Nokia Security Code
So you don’t know or you have forgotten your Nokia Security code? No data cable needed with this new solution.
So what is a master code?
Well lets assume you have forgotten your security code. The master code is a 10 digit number that will always be accepted as if it were your actual security code.
You can then use the master code to change your security code back to what ever you like. When your Nokia handset asks you for the security code simply enter the master code.
Will work on all of DCT3 generation, like:
2100, 3110, 3210, 3310, 3315, 3330, 3350, 3390, 3410, 3610, 5110(i), 5130, 5190, 5210, 5510, 6080, 6110, 6130, 6138, 6150, 6190, 6210, 6250, 7110, 8210, 8250, 8290, 8850, 8855, 8890, 9110(i), 9210(i), 9290.
Will work on most of DCT4 generation, like:
3100(b), 3108, 3120, 3200(b), 3220, 3230, 3300, 3360, 3510(i), 3530, 3590, 3595, 3600, 3650, 3660, 5100, 5140(i), 6020, 6021, 6100, 6101, 6108, 6200, 6220, 6230(i), 6260, 6310(i), 6500, 6510, 6590, 6600, 6610(i), 6620, 6650, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250(i), 7260, 7270, 7280, 7600, 7610, 7650, 7700, 7710, 8310, 8390, 8800, 8910(i), 9300(i), 9500, N-Gage (QD).
Will NOT work on some of DCT4 generation, like:
1100(B), 1101, 1110, 1112(i), 1600, 2300, 2310, 2600, 2610, 2650, 2652, 6030(B), 6060, 6111.
Will NOT work on any of BB5 generation (all newest phones), like:
3250, 5300, 3900, 5500, 6125, 6131, 6233, 6234, 6280, 6282, 6630, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7370, 7373, 7390, all E-series, all N-series.
PC Version: pass: theologaster
SIS Version: [ For S60 Version] pass: theologaster
JAVA Version: [For S40 Version] pass: theologaster
Software used to read the security code of DCT4 phone. You can use this software via IRDA, Bluetooth or Cables pass: theologaster
NKGsM DCT4 Calculator + Mastercode v0.91c pass: theologaster
WorldUnlock Calculator v4.4
Use the software to:
Unlock Nokia
Unlock LG
Unlock Panasonic
Unlock Maxon
Unlock Samsung
Unlock AEG/Telital
Unlock Alcatel
Unlock Siemens
Unlock Sony
Unlock Vitel
But be aware, many of the none IMEI generated codes do not work perfectly. The tool is BEST for Nokia unlocking!
Easy guide to free Nokia unlocking:
(Please read the whole guide before starting)
- Select phone model from list.
- Enter IMEI number of your phone (Press *#06# on phone)
- Select country and service provider where the phone was bought.
- Hit the button: Calculate!
- The software generate some Nokia unlock codes.
- If 7 codes are displayed, use the code ending with +7 first.
- If it does not work, then try +1, and finaly +5.
- When phone displays “Sim restriction off” it is unlocked.
- If only two codes are displayed (+1 and +2) enter both of them!
Codes will be shown on the form: #pw+CODE+n#
To get p, w or +, pres the * button several times.
You enter the codes correctly by removing any simcard from the phone, turning the phone on and then enter the code.
You only have 5 tries to enter the correct unlocking code, if all 5 times fail you have to unlock it by cable. pass: newknaber
BB5 Calculator/Unlocker
working list • Nokia 3110Classic • Nokia 3250 • Nokia 5200 • Nokia 5300 • Nokia 6085 • Nokia 6110Navigator • Nokia 6136 • Nokia 6270 • Nokia 6300 • Nokia 6630• Nokia 6680• Nokia 6681 • Nokia 7370 • Nokia E50 • Nokia E60• Nokia E62• Nokia E65 • Nokia E70• Nokia N70• Nokia N71• Nokia N72• Nokia N73 • Nokia N80 • Nokia N90 • Nokia N91 • Nokia N93 • Nokia N93i • Nokia N95 |
- Connect DKU-5 or normal COM cable to computer
- Set proper COM cable (must be, between 1 and 9)
- Download unlocker, run `install.bat`
- Open file c:/bb5_unlocker/logs/bb5_unlocker.cfg and write here proper COM port (1-9)
- Run c:/bb5 unlocker/BB5logunlocker.exe
- Click MAKE LOG, log will be created
- Enter codes to phone (in /psw/ dir), or
- Click SP UNLOCK to enter codes via FBUS
Logger works for BB5 with rap3g v2.11 to v2.20.
Calculator works for any BB5 phone,
this another good info from slobodan andric from another well known forum:
******* CONNECTION ******
For this program you need Fbus cable like DK5, CA43 or similar conected to ports from COM1 to COM9.
First unpack zip fiole and strat install.bat
In file “c:\bb5_unlocker\logs\bb5_unlocker.cfg” with any text editor change your COM port settings!
******* USING ********
Program can be started successfully only if is COM port in file “c:\bb5_unlocker\logs\bb5_unlocker.cfg” adjusted properly.
Reading info data from phone and making BACKUP file for that phone( Field 308,1).
IMPORTANT DO NOT delete or modify that file because can save your *** if something goes wrong.
With that function can write backup file with Field 308,1 if exist in BACKUP folder.
Function for making log file . With that log file BB5_calc.exe calculating codes for unlock.
Working with BB5 phones with RAP3G v.2.x (6630,6680,6681,6682,n70,n90).
IMPORTANT phone must be without Sim card.
Making unlock with codes calculated by BB5_calc.exe.
Connect cable to PC and be shure com port is adjusted properly
Start BB5logunlocker.exe
Connect phone and switch on without Sim card.
press button READ PHONE and wait until get the message DONE.
If is everything correct you will see info from phone on screen.
Pres button make log and wait until get mesage done.
Log file is in folder LOGS.
Start BB5_calc.exe to make for you PSW file in folder PSW
Press button SP UNLOCK and unlock your phone.
That is all folks
If you got unlock codes from your provider and you used all yours 3 attempts
to enter code via keypad then do the following:
into dir “c:\bb5_unlocker\psw” create a file “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_BB5.psw” where is “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” enter your phones imei
then in that created file enter in the files start “#pw+bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb+c#” where is “bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb”
enter your unlock code and where is “c” enter your logs level number (1-7).
save the file and use “SP UNLOCK” function
my thanks to dejan kaljevic for giving “for free”this long awaited software
Works with:
Nokia 6630 RAP3G v2.10E PA
Nokia 6680 RAP3G v2.0E PA
Nokia 6681 RAP3G v2.0E PA
Nokia E60 RAP3G v2.20E PA
Nokia E65 RAP3G v2.20E PA
Nokia E70 RAP3G v2.20E PA
Nokia N70 RAP3G v2.20 PA
Nokia N71 RAP3G v2.20 PA
Nokia N90 RAP3G v2.11 PA
Nokia N91 RAP3G v2.20E PA
Nokia N93 RAP3GS v2.0E PA pass: theologaster
Selengkapnya ada di SINI
Wah..makasi infonya mas..
kalo hp nokia 6300? saya lupa memory card password nya, (sudah pernah install FEexplorer tapi gak bisa akses ke C:/system/mmcstore
Informasi yang sangat berarti.
tapi saya kebingungan untuk mereset nokia 2630 dgn emei.359822016230108, mmohon bantuannya terimakasih
downlod all nokia code
thx bgt buat infonya…
tapi gua msih gak ngerti cara buka kode yang ada di memory card gua…
kemarin gua mo masukin foto dari flash disk ke memory pake card reader di warnet…
eh..tau-tau memoru gua gak bisa dibuka lagi…
gimana ya supaya memory gua bisa terbuka lagi????
mas , aq ada 5530xm . lpa kode telponnya ..
imei 358022034361347 .
tolong ya mas kasi taw kode kuncinya .
nmrq 082124013066 . mksih y mas …
thank gan for info nya …
hana mau tanya donh , hana pengen mengembalikan hp hana ke pengaturan awal tp lupa kode keamanan tlp’y :(
cara ganti kode gimana yah ?
mas saya minta tolong saya lupa dengan kode hp type 6030 mohon bantuanx.
no IMME 355542013439718
pak,.. bagaimana membuka kartu memori yang terkunci…. terimakasih