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Nokia introduces Booklet 3G ‘mini laptop’

3 Sep. 20094 comments
Nokia introduces Booklet 3G ‘mini laptop’

Gallery: Nokia introduces Booklet 3G ‘mini laptop’

Nokia Booklet 3GNokia Booklet 3GNokia Booklet 3GNokia Booklet 3G
Nokia Booklet 3G

Nokia rocked the world this morning by introducing its spin on the laptop, called the Booklet 3G. If you’re the rude sort (like us) you could call it a fancy netbook, what with its Atom processor and 10.1-inch display, but that screen is higher res than your average Eee, and it also sports integrated 3G wireless and a hot-swappable SIM card, so it’s definitely trying to define its own niche. It looks to be running Windows 7, which isn’t particularly netbooky, and also has integrated A-GPS with a copy of Ovi Maps, HDMI output, a rated 12 hour battery life, and the usual Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, all in a 2cm (.78 inch), 2.7lb aluminum body that’s understated, sophisticated, and should make most Nokia fans very happy — Nokia fans who are looking for a tiny laptop, anyway. There’s a fancy promotional video after the break, and while we don’t have any anticipated release date or price just yet, we’ll be learning more at Nokia World 09 on September 2. We promise not to make too many Foleo references.

Spesifikasi dan Fitur Netbook Nokia Booklet 3G

  • Prosesor Intel Atom N series
  • Daya tahan baterai hingga 12 jam
  • Berat 1,25 kg
  • Tebal 2,xx cm
  • 3G/HSDPA Hotswapable
  • Wireless N (WiFi)
  • Kamera depan untuk video call
  • Bluetooth
  • Multi Card reader
  • Layar 10 inci
  • A-GPS Integrated

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  1. 4-9-2009 at 02:21 | #1

    keluaran terbaru dari nokia ya ? mantap nih, thanks info terbaruya kawan, sukses selalu


  2. 4-9-2009 at 02:34 | #2

    sama-sama thank…..


  3. 15-9-2009 at 22:53 | #3

    info yg news buat saya. dh bs dibeli di Indonesia blm??

    Bagi – bagi ilmu donk mengenai alexa rank. hee… :d


  4. 17-4-2014 at 12:26 | #4

    wah jadi kepengin nih,makasih yh gan infonya gan


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